You can’t save them, especially since the machine gunner will be invulnerable until Jed dies. Unhappy Trailsįor the time being, just follow Jed until the ambush, and then take cover by a rock. Just remember to bring lots of ammo for them, since you won’t find that many ammo sources in Zion. A rifle like ‘This Machine" will be good though, or any energy weapons. 45 auto pistol will be fine, and you can buy all the ammo you need for it in Zion. I wouldn’t bother bringing a pistol, since the new. Just bring a good unique weapon or two, along with some ammo. The only thing I’ll note is that you probably don’t need to bring brush guns or anti-materiel rifles, because you’ll be able to pick a few up at the start and quickly repair them to 100%.

Drop off whatever you don’t need in the crate lying next to him, send any companions back to the Lucky 38 and then tell him when you’re ready to go. These will let you get up to 100 pounds of gear. You’ll need 50 points in Survival or the Strong Back or Pack Rat perk to convince him that you can carry more than that. Tell Jed that you’re ready to go, and he’ll pull the weight check. You can then either make him carry some of your gear or make him leave the caravan. If you have 45 in Science or 50 in Speech, you can also point out that his Pip-Boy isn’t working. He obviously didn’t grow up in Vault 22, judging by the lack of spores, so you can call him out on that. You can also question him about his vault suit and pip-boy. You can then sell him some Psycho for 30 a piece, or Fixer for 80 a piece or you can tell him to leave. If you have 45 points in Medicine, you can note that he’s addicted to Psycho. Talk to Jed first, but then talk to Stella for some background and talk to Ricky for a few business opportunities. Go into it to find the caravan waiting for their new recruit. You can start this DLC off by marking the “Happy Trails Expedition” quest on your map, and then walking to the north of New Vegas to find the Northern Passage.